> > There was also an approach to replace the low-level nonfree part
> > with a software-defined radio. It supposedly works, although isn't
> > suitable for use with a phone and is also not legal to use on
> > carrier networks.  
> We'd need to do some legal research to know if it's legal or not
> and/or in which conditions it can be legal. 
> The laws and regulations I heard about (in Germany and EU mostly) only
> covered the sale of devices. I didn't ear (yet) about specific laws
> regulating the use of non-certified software on radio networks
> like cellular or WiFi networks.

Interesting. We had a discussion about this on Trisquel[1] forum
(althought also concerning newer technologies, 4g and 5g) and another
issue raised was a patent one. Seeing I found someone knowledgeable,
may I ask what are the remedies for patent threat?


[1] https://trisquel.info/en/forum/about-getting-free-software-4g-or-5g-chip

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