
I tested a few kernels on the i9305.

First I tested postmarketos linux-postmarketos-exynos4 kernel. I
downloaded the vanilla kernel from kernel.org, then used postmarketos
patches to patch it. I changed some options that google
(supposedly) changes when it modifies the vanilla kernel for use with
android (I got these from their docs). I then injected the kernel into
the replicant source tree, updated BoardConfig.mk and i9305.mk to
reflect the new kernel. I then built replicant 6 with the postmarketos
kernel. After it was built, I tried booting the images on the device
and didn't get anywhere (bootloop). I then cat the appropriate dtb file
and used abootimg to create boot-dt.img and recovery-dt.img . I tried
booting again, and got a little further. It progressed passed the
Samsung bootloader screen and entered a black screen. I then connected
the device to a computer and ran dmesg. The kernel looked as if it had
booted, but the display hadn't switched on.

I then thought it would be worthwhile testing the replicant-next
kernel in the same way. I modified the replicant tree, and mk files
with the replicant-next kernel instead and built some images. I cat'ed
the dtb and used abootimg to create the dt images. I then flashed the
images with heimdall. Again unfortunately I didn't manage to boot into
android. The only notable difference between the postmarketos kernel
and the replicant-next kernel, was that with the replicant-next kernel
and replicant-6, there was a single white pixel in the top left
corner that flashed for a couple of times and stayed there until I took
the battery out of the device and finished with the experiments.

If anyone can explain why the device didn't boot and/or how I can debug
it (the kernel & android boot), that would be nice. It's a shame that
what I have tried thus far has been unsuccessful.

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