[re-sending with a Cc: to Neil]

Hi Neil,

On 09/02/27 09:11 +0000, Neil Williams said ...
> OK, I was just using a short message for simplicity.
> bsdmainutils (6.1.10em1) is an Emdebian package - filing bug against the
> buildd.emdebian.org pseudo-package initially, as requested by Emdebian.
> ?
> Maybe then a comment in reportbug (1) that the bug will be re-assigned
> later, if appropriate - or maybe use the novice|expert structure so
> that novices get an extra line saying that the bug will be re-assigned
> later if appropriate. The reasoning is that Emdebian modifies Debian

This makes sense.  Thank you for considering.

> I think we will need to have support for customised subject templates
> along the lines of wnpp and ftp.debian.org, indeed most
> pseudo-packages. Emdebian will need support for:
> 1. Identification (from the user or apt-cache policy) as to whether
> this is Emdebian Crush (cross-built) or Emdebian Grip (closer to
> Debian). This is a no-op so far because Crush does not yet support
> python. :-) (or perl, or java or anything except C really).
> 2. Support for RM bugs with suite and other features similar to
> ftp.debian.org

I think we can reuse the RM bugs support from the ftp.debian.org
pseudo-package support when this is implemented for emdebian in

> 3. Support for RFP|ITP bugs without the requirement for the current
> wnpp body template because the package needs to exist in Debian anyway
> before being requested for Emdebian. This would just be a convention in
> the subject line.
> 4. Support for user tags. ;-)

We have --pseudo-header support in reportbug that people use for

> Initially, all this can be left as "conventions-to-be-finalised" for
> the subject line itself and only loosely following current practice for
> similar packages in Debian. Therefore, I don't want to stipulate
> hard-coded support for this into reportbug at this time, just outline
> what I will probably be looking to implement in a few months from now.

Can you please file a wishlist bug?  We can probably even try and bully
an NM candidate into implementing it :)

> Can such support be implemented via /usr/share/bug/* ?

I am afraid this would mean that emdebian will have to provide a bug
script for each package.  Also, "bug" scripts usually don't modify the
BTS mail headers, or use templates related to 'groups' of bugs (like
ITPs etc.).  I think reportbug is the right place to implement these



Y Giridhar Appaji Nag | http://people.debian.org/~appaji/

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