>You don't know what you're talking about. I suggest to either sit
>down and try to understand better what is the Debian BTS or simply go

This is like saying you need an e-mail address to get a drivers
license.  In principle, it's technologically unnecessary and senseless
to require drivers to possess an e-mail address.  You only need an
email address to get a drivers license if the system is incompetently

That said, you (in effect) go on to say "understanding" the system
will somehow compel me to agree with the fool who poorly designed it.
That's also nonsense.

Users can experience applications without having an email address.
Users can discover bugs without having an email address.  Users can
write about their experience without having an email address.  Nothing
found inside "Debian BTS" is going to *justify* needing an email
address to report a bug.

It's a broken design.

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