Hello Fritz,
(I really hope that the email I'm writing will be read, given the
unhappy "spamexpire-201207" part in the email address.. please
consider Debian BTS is highly based on emails exchange, so if you
jeopardize this channel, it's unlikely your bugs get

On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:44 AM, Fritz Wuehler
<fr...@spamexpire-201207.rodent.frell.theremailer.net> wrote:
> When invoking bugreport --output=~/myreport.txt, everything is normal
> long enough for the user to spend time writing a report, then in the
> end it crashes, losing all data that was composed.  This is serious.
> Someone takes the time to fill out a report, and all their work is
> lost.
> At the end, the faulty output looks like this:
>   Report will be saved as ~/myreport.txt
>   Submit this report on libgdata7 (e to edit) [Y|n|a|c|e|i|l|m|p|q|d|t|s|?]?
>   Traceback (most recent call last):
>     File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 2098, in <module>
>       main()
>     File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 1045, in main
>       return iface.user_interface()
>     File "/usr/bin/reportbug", line 2090, in user_interface
>       self.options.draftpath)
>     File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/reportbug/submit.py", line 331, in 
> send_report
>       fh.write(message.as_string())
>   AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'as_string'

In the latest version of reportbug (as available in unstable) you
won't get a crash but this warning:

Report will be saved as ~/myreport.txt
Submit this report on release.debian.org (e to edit)
Writing to ~/myreport.txt failed; using instead
Bug report written as /tmp/reportbug-release.debian.org-20120818-12792-sf7_gQ

> The workaround is to use $HOME instead of "~".

because $HOME is expanded by the shall you're calling reportbug from;
the proper fix is to expand ~ in the reportbug code, which I'm about
to do.

Sandro Tosi (aka morph, morpheus, matrixhasu)
My website: http://matrixhasu.altervista.org/
Me at Debian: http://wiki.debian.org/SandroTosi

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