> but to someone like me who is experienced in
> Pylons/TG/Django style stuff but new to Zope, I'm pretty confused about
> whether I should learn zope by trying out Zope 3, Grok, or Repoze.bfg
> and what the pros and cons of each approach are.

Well for someone like me (more or less familiar with Plone, already
installed TG but not played very much with it and ended up installing
Pylons for a project) a "what's the best tool matrix" would be neat.  

I see that matrix as some form of use cases for lines and the software
options for columns.  The cell value could be a ranking, since obviously
there won't be a case where Grok or BFG or WSGIPlone or whatever will be
perfect or null for use case X.

[Use] case in point : we're beginning a new project and we're
considering options for web presence.  A quick setup is throw a Trac and
build on it, but I'd rather have a nice (easier to theme) front end on
top of Trac (that would play well with Trac).  Would/could that front
end be Plone (we might have some content to manage one day, but then
maybe not that much .. or will we ?) or Grok or BFG ?  

I know it's very often a matter of personal preference or competence and
a matrix won't be a silver bullet but it would help IMO.  Ease of
deployment at commercial ISP's might be important to mention, but I
understand that most people on this list probably manage their own


Yves Moisan

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