Chris McDonough wrote:
> On 5/7/09 3:44 PM, Shane Hathaway wrote:
>> Chris McDonough wrote:
>>> c) handlers actually just *returned* something rather than being
>>> called for their side effects.
>> The thing the handler returns could implement the IConfigurationAction
>> interface described here:
> Or just make it simple, and return a tuple of (callback, 
> discriminator).  Or a sequence of like [(callback, discriminator), 
> (callback, discriminator), <etc>], as you say.

True.  Is it time to write repoze.configuration? ;-)

>>> It's also completely bizarre that a ZCML handler has no easy access to
>>> the registry being populated except via getSiteManager().
>> Well, the purpose of a handler is to populate some global registry, not
>> necessarily the component architecture registry, so I can see the
>> reasoning behind that.
> But it would have been easy for the ZCML support in zope.component to 
> use a different kind of "context" that just had the registry as an 
> attribute.  Then you could actually use ZCML configuration to populate a 
> *particular* registry, instead of "whatever happens to be returned by 
> getSiteManager()".  Use of getSiteManager() causes apps to need to do a 
> number of suspect thread locking hacks now if they want to run two 
> otherwise unrelated zope.configuration+zope.component-using packages in 
> the same process.  It's becoming more frequent that there isn't "one 
> global registry" (it should have never been zope.component's job to 
> advertise one, but instead an application that *uses* zope.component 
> might choose to do so).

I agree.  However, I hesitate to give up the idea of using the 
configuration machinery to populate other kinds of registries in 
addition to the zope.component registry.  If we gain the ability to 
populate the zope.component registry in a non-global way, I want to be 
able to populate other registries in a non-global way too. :-)

One way to do that would be to add one more indirection to your plan. 
Instead of storing the zope.component registry as an attribute of the 
configuration context, the configuration context could hold an attribute 
with a dictionary of named registries.  So handlers would grab the 
component registry as "context.registries['zope.component']".

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