Chris McDonough <> added the comment:

This looks almost right Sean.  But it's possible (even probable) that the
ISettings utility won't be registered when you manufacture a BfgLoader.  So I
think the call to _auto_reload needs to happen in get_source each time (or at
least memoize its results on the first call of get_source).

Also, we try to test everything 100%.  I've just added a "nosetests" section to
repoze.bfg.jinja2's setup.cfg.  If you install "nose" then run "python
nosetests" within an updated copy of the repoze.bfg.jinja2 trunk, you'll see a
coverage report,.  Currently the trunk has 100% test coverage.  With your patch
it does not.  We need to maintain the test coverage invariant to be able to
accept the patch.  If it's too much work, let me know and I can try to work it
out myself.

Repoze Bugs <>
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