On Thu, 2009-07-02 at 16:12 -0400, Tres Seaver wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Malthe Borch wrote:
> > 2009/7/2 Tim Hoffman <t...@zute.net>:
> >> I think you woul lose that capability with just name based registrations.
> > 
> > Yes, but perhaps for the better; it was always problematic to use
> > component adaptation to create specialized views based on the iro,
> > because of the order of adaptation, e.g. with viewlets:
> > 
> >   context, request, view, manager
> > 
> > You will easily run into situations where you need to do a lot of
> > seeming superflouous component registrations because you've
> > specialized on ``context``, say.
> > 
> > I think there is a better scheme out there which does not rely in this
> > way on multi-adaptation.
> The fact that multi-adaptation can be hard doesn't mean it can't also be
> useful:  I don't see *any* way to achieve Tim's goals without something
> like an IRO.

Excuse my ignorance, but what is an IRO here?


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