A new alpha release of repoze.bfg 1.1 (alpha 2) was released this evening.  It 
contains two new features:  view directives can now name a template and an 
"attribute".  See the changelog below for descriptions of these features.

1.1a2 (2009-09-14)

- A ZCML ``view`` directive (and the associated ``bfg_view``
   decorator) can now accept an "attr" value.  If an "attr" value is
   supplied, it is considered a method named of the view object to be
   called when the response is required.  This is typically only good
   for views that are classes or instances (not so useful for
   functions, as functions typically have no methods other than

- A ZCML ``view`` directive (and the associated ``bfg_view``
   decorator) can now accept a "template" value.  If a "template" value
   is supplied, and the view callable returns a dictionary, the
   associated template is rendered with the dictionary as keyword
   arguments.  See the section named "Views That Have a ``template``"
   in the "Views" narrative documentation chapter for more information.
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