On Fri, Mar 5, 2010 at 8:50 PM, Darryl Cousins <darryljcous...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Live coding session with repoze.bfg:
> http://darrylcousins.blip.tv/
> Best regards and thanks,
> Darryl Cousins

As a follow up Chris suggested the following improvements, which I
much appreciate:

@darrylcousins instead of getUtility(ISettings)... from
repoze.bfg.settings import get_settings; settings = get_settings()
@darrylcousins also instead of
getSiteManger.sethook(get_current_registry): configurator.hook_zca()
@darrylcousins and instead of registry= getSiteManager()... registry =
@darrylcousins maybe create a subscriber to INewRequest that attaches
a sqlite connection to each new request so they can do request.dbconn

Many thanks,
Darryl Cousins
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