On 4/27/10 8:41 AM, Chris Withers wrote:
> Chris McDonough wrote:
>> Instead of calling config.load_zcml there, do whatever your
>> application does to configure itself in its run.py (often .scan()), e.g.:
>> class ViewIntegrationTests(unittest.TestCase):
>> def setUp(self):
>> import myapp
>> self.config = Configurator(package=myapp)
>> self.config.begin()
>> self.config.scan()
>> def tearDown(self):
>> """ Clear out the application registry """
>> self.config.end()
> Indeed, but that's a bit anti-DRY...
> I guess this would be an indicator of factoring out the imperative
> configuration into a function that took a config argument as its only
> parameter and could be called either form the tests or from the app setup?

Sure.  The decision to do that is up to the developer.

- C
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