On 12 October 2010 13:40, Paul Everitt <p...@agendaless.com> wrote:
> In the first case, Chameleon refuses to parse the zpt because Expat tries to 
> interpret <% as a startTag.  In the second case...needless to say, it is 
> ironic that we have overlap in syntax.  I then tried wrapping a CDATA around 
> the block, but Chameleon happily plowed into the CDATA looking for stuff to 
> evaluate.

Wichert's advice to prevent $-evaluation is apt here, although you
could also escape it – I think it's just \$.

As for <% and %> –– I think Chameleon 2.x (work in progress, but
almost there) will parse and accept such tags. That might help on the
situation then.

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