Oops, I forgot to mention that Sergey started a blog in part with the
intention of posting on WebOb and related things: http://self.maluke.com/

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 3:01 PM, Ian Bicking <i...@colorstudy.com> wrote:

> Hi all.
> I've decided to pass primary maintainer duties to Sergey Schetinin (maluke)
> for WebOb -- while I have attended to WebOb sporadically he has been far
> more consistent in responding to bugs and inquiries, and in many ways has
> been acting maintainer.  So I think it fitting to make that more formal and
> give Sergey that title more formally, and put project management in the
> hands of someone doing the project management.
> WebOb of course is used by many of libraries, and as such must remain
> stable and conservative in its forward development, but I think its scope
> makes the meaning of that fairly clear for everyone so I am not worried on
> that front.  Python 3 is the one thing that looms, and with PEP 3333 a
> porting effort is now reasonable.  I'm not sure that it's at the top of
> Sergey's list of things to do, but I hope the community can organize itself
> in this respect -- I believe well-done port of WebOb could make the porting
> effort for other libraries much easier as it can serve as insulation for
> many of the more tweaky differences between the Python versions.
> Relatedly, I am also interested in finding maintainers for other packages,
> such as Paste*, WebTest, ScriptTest, FormEncode, WSGIProxy, and virtualenv.
> If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me (email or
> IRC, I'm easy enough to find).
> Cheers,
>   Ian
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