Control: reassign -1 reprotest
Control: tags -1 -moreinfo

Helmut Grohne:
> Hi Niels,
> On Sat, Sep 14, 2019 at 06:08:00AM +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
>> Is there any update on this?  At the moment, this bug is not actionable
>> and sprayed over three packages.
> No. I don't think there are any news here. I had hoped that my previous
> mails would have made my position clear. Let me try to be more explicit:
> I think that running native amd64 builds in linux32 is broken and that
> any tool doing so (e.g. reprotest) is buggy.
> Having debhelper pass CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR is a nice idea, but doing
> so will break a fair number of packages in subtle ways. Therefore I
> recommend not doing that (other than for cross compilation).
> This is basically repeating what I already said. If you concur, the
> logical next step is reassigning to reprotest.
> Helmut

Thanks for clarifying; I missed that part.

Reassigning to reprotest


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