Control: tags -1 patch

(This is now RC because Python 3.13 tests are now run by default.)

The trigger for this is that __name__ (and possibly all objects that are defined at startup???) is now in the set of objects that have the same id between interpreter runs:

python3.12 -c "print(__name__,id(__name__),id(1),id('teststring123'),id(9**9))"
__main__ 140021375633904 11796968 140021375829808 140021377201328
python3.12 -c "print(__name__,id(__name__),id(1),id('teststring123'),id(9**9))"
__main__ 140241937975792 11796968 140241938171632 140241939526832
python3.13 -c "print(__name__,id(__name__),id(1),id('teststring123'),id(9**9))"
__main__ 10728504 10701328 139639542186544 139639543085744
python3.13 -c "print(__name__,id(__name__),id(1),id('teststring123'),id(9**9))"
__main__ 10728504 10701328 139721828614704 139721829513904

(aside: is it normal that reprotest crashes when run on itself, as in that CI run? plausibly yes if it's doing things that won't nest)

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