Hello reproducible build hackers!

I am the maintainer of apt-listbugs and I have recently noticed that it
was not built reproducibly [1]. The issue seemed to be due to the month
and year inserted by rdtool into the man page.
However, now it seems to be built reproducibly [2].
I am not sure the underlying issue has been really fixed, though: maybe
the recent tests just did not change the month in the build date?!?

Is this something that should be fixed in rdtool [3]? If this is the
case, could you please file a bug report against rdtool?
Otherwise, what should be done?

Please let me know.
Thanks for your time and for your commendable effort in making
Debian reproducibly built.

N.B.: I am not subscribed to the reproducible-builds mailing list;
please CC me on replies, thanks for your understanding.

[1] https://reproducible.debian.net/history/apt-listbugs.html
[2] https://reproducible.debian.net/rb-pkg/unstable/amd64/apt-listbugs.html
[3] https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/rdtool

 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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