
Thanks for pushing this! I'm very happy to see regular irc meetings
being tried!

(I'll just repeat my comments from irc here.)

On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 12:01:26PM +0100, Chris Lamb wrote:
> Thanks to everyone who attended the trial IRC meeting yesterday — really
> nice to see so many folks present.


> The consensus was that we want to try a regularly-scheduled meeting every
> two weeks, so this mail is to determine the best time for that.

I think a schedule with 2 regular dates in every month works much better
than every 2 weeks, because we have those months with 5 weeks and thus
it becomes confusing on which $day_of_the_week the meeting is, plus it
will eventually clash with other dates which are "every tuesday in the
Xth week of the month."

> I will close this poll in one week from today and then send out a mail
> scheduling the first one.

please do it with at least a week advanced warning this time ;-) 

About the suggested dates: I don't like that it only contains European
evening dates. (Because that's night for Asia and also because it's
evening for Europeans.) - I've voted accordingly, that is, with pretty
low availability.

> Meetings would be held on #reproducible-builds on OFTC, will start promptly
> at the specified time and will last no longer than 1 hour. Agenda/reminders
> will be sent out in plenty of time before each meeting.


Meetings should also use meetbot, so we get linkable logs with
actionable items etc for free. (And which are pretty good to be linked
from the weekly reports!)


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