Hey Vagrant,

On Fri, May 26, 2017 at 01:56:54PM -0700, Vagrant Cascadian wrote:
> Got one old machine freshly reinstalled after a disk failure (rpi2c),
> and three newly readied machines (ff64a, jtx1a, odc2a) that are arm64
> capable, but configured with armhf userspace to be armhf build nodes.

those are now all set up for tests.reproducible-builds.org, but…

<      h01ger> | ff64a seems quite slow
<      h01ger> | it is, now that i can compare to jtx1a and odc2a
             * | h01ger assumes disk io
<      h01ger> | odc2a is faster than jtx1a (also io wise, but both are rather 
<      h01ger> | odc2a takes ages to generate the gpg key for the jenkins user, 
somehow haveged fails to start…
<      h01ger> | root@odc2a:~# /usr/sbin/haveged --Foreground --verbose=1 
<      h01ger> | haveged starting up
<      h01ger> | Segmentation fault
             * | h01ger sighs
<      h01ger> | root@odc2a:~# uname -a
<      h01ger> | Linux odc2a 4.12.0-rc2+ #4 SMP Wed May 24 23:18:20 UTC 2017 
aarch64 GNU/Linux
<      h01ger> | hui ui ui :)

so while I have added 10 new builder jobs, I've also disabled 5 of them again 
for now:

commit 3621042 in jenkins.debian.net.git:
          bin/reproducible_build_service.sh reproducible Debian: disable all 
build jobs on odc2a 
          (haveged dies with segfault…) and disable all but two build jobs on 
ff64a due to its 
> Thanks to Rockchip, Nvidia, Debian and Freegeek for the donations that
> made this expansion phase possible!

many thanks indeed!


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