Pete Bentley wrote:
> On 5 Jan 2008, at 13:46, Archana wrote:
>> Hello ,
>> I had previously send the fix for this bug, but i cant find it now,  
>> so I am sending it again.
>> ASSERT(MUTEX_HELD(&mod_lock));
>>      if ((fp = ctf_bufopen(&ctfsect, &symsect, &strsect, error)) == NULL)
>> +  dprintf(?cannot open ctf_bufopen()?);             
>>    return (NULL);
> Even without looking at the bug report or the relevant source file,  
> it's obvious by inspection that this cannot be the correct fix, nor  
> can it have been tested.
   Agreed here.
> Judging from the number of similar postings, I'm guessing that some  
> professor at the Amrita School of Engineering has set "Find and fix a  
> Solaris bug" as a piece of coursework for an undergraduate course.
  Should the work be discussed in the open and the certain professor can 
their students' work here hence making sure sloppy  works just don't get 
marks :)
Hint, hint to Archana and all other students from Amrita!
> Now whilst it's good for Solaris' outreach to involve these students,  
> and good for their education, I have to question the value of the  
> exercise if the students don't take the time or care to develop  
> correct solutions and submit them in a useful way... It just ends up  
> offloading their education onto the people who sponsor the fixes.
   Yes. There is a danger as such. But this is norm associated with OS 
However, this is a valuable experiences for all involved in this 
instance plus the
potential of some of these students may eventually be part of new blood for
OpenSolaris in the time to come.

> Pete.
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