Thanks for your interest in contributing to Open HA Cluster.

I will be happy to be your sponsor for this bug fix (6440210).

Please subscribe to 'ha-clusters-discuss at' if you want
to discuss or have any questions regarding Open HA Cluster.

Regarding this bug fix, I will discuss the details with you offline.


> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [request-sponsor] request for sponsor
> Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 12:28:19 +0300
> From: archana rose <dreamgirl_314 at>
> To: request-sponsor at
> I had previously requested for a sponsor to help me work on the bug having
> i.d: 6461637, but i had received a mail saying that i am a non-member of 
> the
> opensolaris user group. But i already have an account at the opensolaris
> user group, and would like to obtain a mentor as soon as possible.
> I am also working on the bug with id: 6440210
> Bug ID  6440210
> Synopsis  change the algo for sap start method
> State  1-Dispatched (Default State)
> Category:Subcategory  suncluster:ha-sap
> Keywords  f2f | oss-bite-size
> Thanks and Regards
> Archana.N
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