Hi SasiKumar,

Thanks for your interest in contributing to Open High Availability 

I will be your sponsor for this bug and will be happy to assist you in 
fixing this bug(6530498).
For any questions/discussions, please subscribe to 
ha-clusters-discuss at opensolaris.org. This is the forum where OHAC 
related project discussions are held. We can discuss about this bug fix 


Thorsten Frueauf wrote:
> Hi Sasikumar et al,
> thanks for considering to contribute to Open HA Cluster!
> If you already have a number assigned to your Sun Contributor Agreement
> (SCA), please let us know it as well with your request. In the future
> please consider to provide all the informations as outlined at
> http://opensolaris.org/os/communities/participation/ like
>      * Bug/RFE ID
>      * Synopsis
>      * Your full name
>      * Number assigned to your Sun Contributor Agreement
> That way it is much easier to determine what the CR is about (and the
> responsible groups know who they are)  :)
> If you don't yet have signed a Sun Contributor Agreement, this would be
> the first step to begin with. The details are explained at:
> http://opensolaris.org/os/about/sun_contributor_agreement/
> The HA Cluster community will assign a sponsor to your request as soon
> as possible. Due to the Christmas and New Year holidays this might take
> some time, but I encourage you to start with the SCA process, if not
> already done.
> The sponsor will then guide you through the formal process necessary.
> Meanwhile you can already start to work on this CR and discuss technical
> aspects on the HA Clusters discuss list: 
> ha-clusters-discuss at opensolaris.org
> If not already subscribed, you can do this at
> http://mail.opensolaris.org/mailman/listinfo/ha-clusters-discuss
> Feel free to ask on that list for any more questions you might have.
> Greets
>        Thorsten
> Sasikumar wrote:
>>    I am Sasikumar D.R. from Amrita School of Engineering, Amritapuri 
>> campus. I would like to get a sponsor for working with the bug having 
>> Id 6530498
>> Thanks,
>>    Sasikumar D.R.

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