On Wed, Jan 30, 2008 at 04:35:52PM +0530, Avinash Joshi wrote:
> Hi.
> I am working on the bug 6615447. My SCA number is 0S0142

I personally don't see how this is a bug at all, but the preferred idiom
for checking uninitialised shell variables is ${var:-default}, so the
diff would be something more like:

==== BEGIN ====
--- r.manifest.orig     Wed Jan 30 22:33:59 2008
+++ r.manifest  Wed Jan 30 22:34:25 2008
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
 while read mfst; do
-       if [ "$smf_alive" = "yes" ]; then
+       if [ "${smf_alive:-no}" = "yes" ]; then
                ENTITIES=`$SVCCFG inventory $mfst`
                for fmri in $ENTITIES; do

==== END ====

Having said that, I don't know if that's true of Sun, but it certainly
is where I come from.

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                                  -- Moliere
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