name1  : Vinay Simha.B.N
  email id: simhavcs at
  name2  :  Beeresh.G
  email-id: beeresh at

  Bug ID Number1 :*6637820*
  synopsis: /usr/bin/eject does not work with the device, only with nickname
when no media is in the drive
  category :  volmgt
  subcategory :  utility
  description : When there is no media in the cd/dvd drive the command:
                     $/usr/bin/eject /dev/dsk/c1t1d0s2
                    does not work

   Bug ID Number1 *:6563529***
  synopsis: eject(1) recognizes nicknames but not device names
  category :  volmgt
  subcategory :  utility
  description : Using a nickname with eject (e.g., "eject cdrom") succeeds,
                     but using the corresponding device name fails:
                     # eject /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2
                     cannot find '/dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2'

 SCA number(s):  * OS0227,OS0225

Diff file attached(file name: *diff_eject_6637820_6563529.txt*)


Vinay Simha.B.N.
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