On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, Nils Goroll wrote:

> Hi Valerie,
>> That's not the right place for the bug to be, as defect.opensolaris.org
>> is currently only supposed to be used for things in development - things
>> that aren't integrated into the source base.
> I'm sorry for having missed that bit.

I'm not sure this is very well documented, it's noted here:

"If you have an idea for a new feature, or have found a interesting bug,
  you can file a bug/RFE using the "Report a Bug" form on
  http://bugs.opensolaris.org/, and others can work on the bug/RFE. If
  you want to work on the bug/RFE you filed, indicate that when you file
  it. Then send email to request-sponsor AT opensolaris DOT org describing
  the bug/RFE and a sponsor will volunteer to help you through the initial
  development processes."

But defect.opensolaris.org should probably point you there as well...

>> I'm working with some internal people to figure out where this bug
>> does belong in bugster/bugs.opensolaris.org, and I'll let you know.
> I've submitted the same bug to the bugster queue, so whoever is triaging that 
> one should notice it.

Did you get the CR number? I can't find anything.

>> Are you looking for a sponsor to help you integrate your changes?
> Yes please. It's an easy one-liner, fix already posted on cr.

I will be your sponsor. I know some folks have some concerns with your
fix - I'll try to get this all lined up.

do you have an SCA ID?

Valerie Fenwick, http://blogs.sun.com/bubbva
Solaris Security Technologies,  Developer, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
17 Network Circle, Menlo Park, CA, 94025.

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