On Thu 04 Oct 2007 at 02:05PM, Chad Mynhier wrote:
> I'd like to request a sponsor for
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=4532599.  This is a bit
> of an odd request given that RFE is marked "6-Fix Understood (Fix is
> known)".  It appears that the responsible engineer has left Sun,
> though, so I don't know what state it's actually in.  If possible, I'd
> like to adopt (or hijack, if you prefer) this RFE.
> I've posted a webrev for a solution here:
> http://interstel.net/~mynhier/4532599/.  (Note that this webrev also
> includes the fix for
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6234106 ("ptime should
> report microseconds or nanoseconds instead of just milliseconds"), as
> it seems pointless to have microstate stats at a millisecond
> resolution.

Chad, I'm a bit busy but this is an area of interest for me.

I have a PSARC license and at least a passing familiarity with this
sort of code, so I can sponsor this if you wish.  Can we collaborate
on this?


Daniel Price - Solaris Kernel Engineering - dp at eng.sun.com - blogs.sun.com/dp

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