I had the same problem with scripts only executing once.
I hit it when I upgraded from 3.0.18 to 3.0.19 - 3.0.22
but it wasn't the Quercus/Scripting engine.
get 3.0.23, it was the chunk encoding.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Daniel Lopez
> Sent: Friday, March 30, 2007 3:09
> To: General Discussion for the Resin application server
> Subject: [Resin-interest] Resin 3.0.2x Quercus/Scripting 
> Engine and Java 6scripting issues
> Hi there,
> I'm extending our home-made framework to be able to take 
> advantage of Java
> 6 scripting capabilities, and I have found some "issues" with 
> Quercus/Scripting Engine due to the way the scripting works in Java 6.
> In short, I developed the scripting module this morning in my 
> office, using an older version of Resin, and all seemed to 
> work fine (tests done with Rhino and Groovy), but then I went 
> home to keep working there with Resin 3.0.21. All of sudden, 
> I was unable to execute any script more than once and the 
> error was being generated by Quercus, even though I was not 
> trying to execute PHP.
> To make a long story short, after playing with the sources 
> and some search I found out that the problem was the was 
> scripting works and bug 1473
> http://bugs.caucho.com/view.php?id=1473
> which has been fixed in version 3.1.
> However, just having the conflicting files in the classpath 
> in version 3.2X can break scripting with other engines in a 
> Resin 3.2.0X, as all engines can to be queried when you tried 
> to find one engine, so I was wondering whether back porting 
> those changes was worthwhile. Otherwise, users of version 
> 3.0.2X might encounter the problem even when trying to use 
> other scripting engines, and even migrating from older 
> versions of Resin. As I believe version 3.1 changed quite a 
> bit, some users might try to migrate first to 3.0.2X and then...
> So, just a warning that it's not just the Quercus engine not 
> being able to be used but causing conflicts also, just by 
> being in the classpath.
> On a related note, I noticed the Quercus Scripting engine is 
> not "Invocable", are there any plans to implement this 
> feature? I tested other engines (Rhino, Groovy, Jython) and 
> Quercus was the only one not "Invocable". Just wondering as 
> that might mean I would also need to allow scripts to be just 
> called using eval instead of eval+invoke, which suits me 
> better, if I wanted to support Quercus.
> Cheers!
> D.
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