
I have a problem with Resin and Apache, where Apache generates the 
following 503 error message at random points in time:

"Service unavailable! The server is temporarily unable to service your 
request due to maintenance downtime or capacity problems..."

The server is setup with in a three layer configuration, with a web cache 
and Apache web server on one machine, and Resin 2.1.17 on another.

The error message occurs at random times, but only when the browser 
refreshes a page by itself (ie. meta refresh or using javascript to 
change the URL of one frame in a frameset.) When refireshing the page 
after the error has occured, then the problem doesn't happen.

My question is really, how do I go about debugging this error message?
I realize that the error comes from Apache, but I've not been able to find 
out what the problem is. The server is not under much load, and no 
relevant thresholds (number of connections etc) are pushed to the limit.

How do I debug Apache / Resin to resolve this problem?

  - Andreas

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