
I realize this is a fairly basic question, but I'm new to setting up
resin.  I've installed resin on Windows under C:\resin-3.1.3\ .  If I
run the server using the httpd.exe, the server starts and I can view
jsp pages under http://localhost:8080/ as well as under
http://localhost:8080/TestResinProject/web where I am testing some

I am now trying to give access to my database located on another
server, but my modifications to the resin.conf file, seem to be
causing problems with starting the server.

I am accessing a postgres 7.3 database on a remote server.

I entered the following into the resin.conf file right below the
"Sample database pool configuration" added by coucho (I've blocked out
my actual password):


I also placed the 7.3 driver under the following directory:

When I start the resin server via httpd.exe I get the following error message:

Resin-3.1.3 (built Sun, 07 Oct 2007 03:58:02 PDT)
Copyright(c) 1998-2007 Caucho Technology.  All rights reserved.

  Using Resin(R) Open Source under the GNU Public License (GPL).

  See http://www.caucho.com for information on Resin Professional,
  including caching, clustering, JNI acceleration, and OpenSSL integration.

Starting Resin on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:42:25 -0600 (CST)

conf/resin.conf:237: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.postgresql.Driver

235:                 <jndi-name>jdbc/teska_messb1</jndi-name>
236:                 <driver>
237:                     <type>org.postgresql.Driver</type>
238:                     <url>jdbc:postgresql://</
239:                     <user>teska_admin</user>

Jan 31, 2008 1:42:26 PM com.caucho.boot.ResinWatchdog run
INFO: Watchdog[] stopping Resin

I am wondering if I need to put the driver into a different directory,
but I don't know which directory.

Also, I would like the database to be available to
http://localhost:8080/TestResinProject/web where I am testing some
code.  What do I need to do to make this happen?

Thanks in advance,

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