Hi Scott,

I'm upgrading snap080331 to snap080417. I found my hibernate persistence unit not
working, with no jta-data-source configured.
I added 080417 src into my project and traced for a while and found the reason.

I put an breakpoint at com.caucho.naming.Jndi.bindImpl(...) line:91 and recorded
the jndi resources registered at order below:
   "java:comp/env/jmx/MBeanServer"  ...
   "java:comp/env/jmx/GlobalMBeanServer"   ...
   "java:comp/UserTransaction"   ...
   "java:comp/TransactionManager"   ...
   "java:/TransactionManager"  ...
and then my singleton beans were then initialized, then
   "java:comp/env/jdbc/stock"      // my <database> config in resin-web.xml
"java:comp/env/activemq" // my <connection-factory> config in resin-web.xml

Some of singleton beans need to access database by inject a EMF, so amber start to load persistence unit. During parsing the persistence.xml, the xml config will set the "jta-data-source" property of the com.caucho.amber.cfg.PersistenceUnitConfig object by reflection. Before doing it, it will call JNDI.lookup to find the DataSource with name specified in persistence.xml, of cource nothing found! It was not registered yet!

I switched to snapshot080331 binary and still retained some src of 080417 (src package: com.caucho.amber, com.caucho.config, com.caucho.naming) then traced it again.
This time I recored the the jndi resources registered at order below
   "java:comp/env/jmx/MBeanServer"  ...
   "java:comp/env/jmx/GlobalMBeanServer"   ...
   "java:comp/UserTransaction"   ...
   "java:comp/TransactionManager"   ...
   "java:/TransactionManager"  ...
   "java:comp/env/jdbc/stock"      // my <database> config in resin-web.xml
"java:comp/env/activemq" // my <connection-factory> config in resin-web.xml
and then my singleton beans were then initialized.
This is the right sequence.

Though I didnot do further test, I think problem were not belonged to the three packages
I retained during the two snapshot version switch.

Suggestions are appreciated, thanks.


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