On Sun, Sep 07, 2008 at 04:17:51PM +0300, Heimo Laukkanen wrote:
> It would be great if Caucho could convince people from some of the php
> frameworks to work with you and test their frameworks on top of
> Quercus runtime besides just working with mod_php. It could be a good
> win-win situation for all the parties and also a way into the
> enterprise market for some of the frameworks. Currently I'm testing
> the code igniter framework - as our project is based on it - but will
> some day try to do something also with Zend framework, as it has a
> better featureset inside the framework itself and has commercial
> backing from the Zend corporation.

We have been trying to do that, but there's been some resistance and
hesistance so far.  I think a lot of PHP people don't yet see what
Quercus and running on a Java platform can offer them.  Some just don't
want to spend the time to change over, which is understandable.  Java
folks are much more excited.

I recently gave a talk at the WordCamp in San Francisco (WordPress's
conference for users and developers) and a lot of people were just
confused by the concept at all.  There are tons of smart people in the PHP
world, we just need to get them looking at Quercus more seriously.  If
Quercus users would blog, post, and talk about it more, especially with
success stories, I think that would go a long way in making that happen.

I think Nam just fixed one of the Code Igniter bugs that you brought up
earlier and we'd be happy to hear about any more that you run into.  The
nice thing about fixing bugs for one PHP application or framework is that
it's likely to fix a bunch of others.  I'm pretty sure we don't have the
complete Zend Framework going as of yet, mainly because it uses the SPL
extensively and we've only got about 25% done.



Emil Ong
Chief Evangelist
Caucho Technology, Inc.
Tel. (858) 456-0300

Caucho: Reliable Open Source
--> Resin: application server
--> Quercus: PHP in Java
--> Hessian Web Services

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