On May 21, 2009, at 10:03 AM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

On May 21, 2009, at 9:56 AM, Scott Ferguson wrote:

On May 21, 2009, at 9:49 AM, Rob Lockstone wrote:

Environment: Resin Pro 3.1.9, Windows 2003 Server 64-bit, Java 1.5_18 64-bit.

When there's a problem, I'm seeing this. Notice that it took 51 minutes (!!!) before it decided to restart. The only difference from above is that it says, "closing with 1 active requests".

Can you get a thread dump to see why that request is hung?

I can try. I haven't had any luck so far as it seems to happen randomly.

Ok. If another 51 minute freeze happens, there should be enough time to get a thread dump.

The <shutdown-wait-max> tag in <cluster> should determine the maximum time Resin will wait for requests before forcing a shutdown.

I didn't configure that parameter, but the docs say the default is 60s <http://caucho.com/resin-3.1/doc/cluster-tags.xtp>. So it must not be working, or the hang happens after that portion of the code that forces the shutdown.

Hmm. It is 60s. The exit code uses Runtime.getRuntime().halt(1) in that situation to force the shutdown. I don't see how the exit thread could get trapped, though. It's designed to work even if the rest of the system is locked up.

-- Scott


-- Scott

RESIN [05:16:23.713] {resin-destroy} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] stopping
RESIN [05:16:28.182] {resin-destroy} Host[admin.caucho] stopping
RESIN [05:16:28.182] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://admin.caucho/resin-jmx-service ] stopping
RESIN [05:16:28.182] {resin-destroy} Host[] stopping
RESIN [05:16:28.182] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80/resin-admin ] stopping RESIN [05:16:28.182] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80] stopping RESIN [05:16:42.713] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80] closing with 1 active requests. RESIN [06:07:43.978] {main} Proxy Cache disk-size=1024M memory- size=64M
RESIN [06:07:43.994] {main} PingThread[] starting, checking []
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main}
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} Windows 2003 5.2 amd64
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.5.0_18-b02, Cp1252, en RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.5.0_18-b02, 64, mixed mode, Sun Microsystems Inc.
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} user.name: SYSTEM
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} resin.home = d:\resin
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} resin.root = d:\resin
RESIN [06:07:44.087] {main} resin.conf = /d:/resin/conf/resin.conf

Here's a second instance from a different server with the same configuration. This time the restart took 13 minutes. Again, it is closing with active requests (3 this time), along with a message about sessions.

RESIN [05:16:24.092] {resin-destroy} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] stopping
RESIN [05:16:26.717] {resin-destroy} Host[admin.caucho] stopping
RESIN [05:16:26.733] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://admin.caucho/resin-jmx-service ] stopping
RESIN [05:16:26.733] {resin-destroy} Host[] stopping
RESIN [05:16:26.733] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80/resin-admin ] stopping RESIN [05:16:26.733] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80] stopping RESIN [05:16:41.624] {resin-destroy} WebApp[http://localhost:80] closing with 3 active requests. RESIN [05:16:41.624] {resin-destroy} SessionImpl[abcy2ORXBFUU8dSJLfJfs,] LRU while in use (use- count=2). Consider increasing session-count. RESIN [05:29:35.471] {main} Proxy Cache disk-size=1024M memory- size=64M
RESIN [05:29:35.486] {main} PingThread[] starting, checking []
RESIN [05:29:35.705] {main}
RESIN [05:29:35.705] {main} Windows 2003 5.2 amd64
RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition 1.5.0_18-b02, Cp1252, en RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 1.5.0_18-b02, 64, mixed mode, Sun Microsystems Inc.
RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} user.name: SYSTEM
RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} resin.home = D:\resin
RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} resin.root = D:\resin
RESIN [05:29:35.721] {main} resin.conf = /D:/resin/conf/resin.conf

Any ideas?


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