We are running Resin Pro 3.0.23 on RHEL 5.3 and are seeing occasional
errors after a restart that are causing 500 exceptions to be thrown when
JSPs are loaded.  This has now happened two times in the past several
weeks and we can't seem to figure out what is causing this.  Here are
the lines we are seeing in the stdout logs (unfortunately we haven't
gotten a full stack trace):


[16:15:31.939] com.caucho.log.EnvironmentLogger.log
java.lang.InstantiationException: com.caucho.vfs.Path


[16:15:33.343] com.caucho.log.EnvironmentLogger.log
java.lang.InstantiationException: com.caucho.vfs.Path


Line 577 in resin.conf is the tree-loader specified in this
<class-loader> block in web-app-default:



        <tree-loader path="${server.rootDirectory}/ext-webapp"/>



And line 664 is the <compiling-loader> tag in this host-default block:



        <compiling-loader path='webapps/WEB-INF/classes'/>

        <library-loader path='webapps/WEB-INF/lib'/>



The virtual hosts (and their webapps) are on an external NFS mount, but
we have never had an issue with the mount being unavailable.  Has anyone
else seen this or know what might cause this to happen?  It seems that
once this happens, there is no fix other than to restart Resin again.
Any thoughts?





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