On 3/25/2010 10:31 AM, Jon Stevens wrote:
I don't mind using JSP's for some of the (separated) control logic. For example, you have a form action:

<form action="email_confirm_submit.jsp">

Inside of it, it looks like this:


That said, look at that code. The logic for determining the next page to redirect to is either in the <t:action> or within the JSTL within the email_confirm_submit.jsp. Generally, it is nice to have it in JSTL because a UI person can change the location of the final page without having to modify java code to do so.

The point being that by the time you get to the view layer (ie: a jsp that doesn't have _submit.jsp at the end), you don't do a redirect. You are depending on what is effectively a bug in Resin that has now been fixed in a newer version. You should modify your code to change that dependency because you can (and should) be doing it differently.


On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Aaron Freeman <aaron.free...@layerz.com <mailto:aaron.free...@layerz.com>> wrote:

    It's not in the view layer.  We segregate our controller JSPs from
    our view JSPs.  So you will change your argument to say that we
    should not use JSPs at the control layer, and of course _most_ of
    our control logic is in pure Java, but there are cases where
    having our controller logic written in JSTL (and separated from
    other model/view JSP pages) is a substantial advantage for us.

    So the question still stands, is there a global way to change the
    commit point so we don't have to constantly reset a connection to
    clear the buffer?


    On 3/25/2010 10:02 AM, Jon Stevens wrote:
    This is why you don't put application logic into the view layer.
    Before you 'push' your data into the view, figure out if you want
    to do the redirect or not.


    On Thu, Mar 25, 2010 at 7:49 AM, Aaron Freeman
    <aaron.free...@layerz.com <mailto:aaron.free...@layerz.com>> wrote:

        We take some fairly lengthy queries (lengthy row based on row
        count), and push the data into hashmaps in JSTL pages.  After
        that sometimes we evaluate the hashmap and sometimes have to
        redirect the request to another page.  In 3.0.23 it works
        with no problems.  In 4.0.5 we get
        "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't sendRedirect() after
        data has committed to the client."

        The reason being, that the for loop is causing a ton of white
        space to be sent to be buffered up, and at some point a
        buffer size limit has been hit with only whitespace, causing
        Resin to then send the HTTP headers and commit the request.

        So in the for loop I can do this to "fix" the problem:

        <c:forEach items="${requestScope.getRewriteUrlsQuery.rows}"
        <% response.reset(); %>

        The question is, is there a setting in the resin.xml where I
        can change the buffer size globally, or do we have to go to
        modify all JSPs that potentially have this problem?  Was the
        default commit point changed between 3.0.x and
        4.0.x, or some other architecture change, as we have never
        seen this until now?*


So the code example, from a style stand-point, is almost spot on with how have laid our model/view/controller JSPs. I don't know what a t: library, is but I am sure its some custom way to call your model code. We do a <jsp:include> instead, but it's stylistically the same -- the model is separated from your example controller.

In a JSP-based controller we are parsing the results of the model data into a hashmap and then processing the elements in the hashmap to determine if we need to redirect before we call the view. So our controller looks like:

<jsp:include page="/model/grab-data.sql"/>

<%-- Process the results of the model --%>
<c:forEach items="${requestScope.hashMap.values()}" var="rewriteUrlsQuery">

<c:when test="${redirect == 'true'}">
<c:redirect ...>
<jsp:include page="/view/..."/>

So I am not quite tracking with you on what we need to differently in our controller? We are trying to do a redirect before we get to the view layer, as you suggest, and as your code is suggesting.

Right or wrong, this is a style we have used in several places, and instead of modifying a lot of code it would be much easier if we can simply change the buffer size commit point. We definitely didn't intend to exploit a bug, we are just trying to follow easy to maintain good MVC practices and ran into this hiccup.

Fortunately through all of our testing this is the only show stopper for us from rolling out to the newest version of Resin 4.0.5 with our existing code base.

Thanks for you help,

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