So I tried clearing resin-data, watchdog-data and my exploded war folder, 
deployed a new app with a single JSP importing an XML file from WEB-INF and I 
still get the unimplemented error.

FYI...I am almost positive this was working under Resin 4.0.10 for a while 
because we completely QAed the application on 6 October. Suddenly this week it 
started throwing this error.

For now I am working around the issue with other code but knowing you are able 
to make it work gives me hope. Thanks.


On Oct 19, 2010, at 9:46 AM, Aaron Freeman wrote:

> Yes, that's exactly what I was doing that was failing in resin-pro.4.0.10, 
> but not in resin-pro-4.0.12.  Try deleting your entire WEB-INF folder and let 
> resin-pro-4.0.12 reconstruct it, just to make sure you don't have old 4.0.10 
> compilations hanging around.  There is definitely a behavior change in 
> chaining imports from 10 to 12, and it's working for me in 12.  
> I am also doing a c:import on an xml document in the final c:import, so we 
> are doing the same thing.
> Aaron
> On 10/19/2010 11:30 AM, Matthew Serrano wrote:
>> I just upgraded to resin-pro-4.0.12 and it is still least on 
>> OS X. It also happens for non JSPs. I have some pages that import XSL and 
>> XML files so I can parse them with the x tag library and those imports also 
>> fail. There is no chaining of imports that I can see.
>> matt
>> On Oct 19, 2010, at 9:24 AM, Aaron Freeman wrote:
>>> What version of Resin 4.0 are you using?  I can reproduce this easily on 
>>> resin-pro-4.0.10 by doing this:
>>> --  create test.jsp:
>>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>
>>> <c:import url="test2.jsp" var="debug"/>
>>> ${debug}
>>> --
>>> -- create test2.jsp
>>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>
>>> <c:import url="test3.jsp" var="debug"/>
>>> ${debug}
>>> --
>>> -- create test3.jsp
>>> <%@ taglib uri=""; prefix="c" %>
>>> Some output.
>>> --
>>> Then just call: http://localhost/test.jsp
>>> And it will throw your error.  It only happens when one c:import calls 
>>> another one.
>>> This behavior is completely fixed in resin-pro-4.0.12 though (and was 
>>> working in resin-4.0.6, so it broke some time after that release).
>>> Aaron
>>> On 10/18/2010 7:14 PM, Matthew Serrano wrote:
>>>> I seem to have issues using JSTL c:import within Resin 4.0. Below is my 
>>>> code and the error. Any ideas? Does Resin 4.0 no longer support the import 
>>>> tag?
>>>> is a custom tag that eventually executes jsp:doBody.
>>>> matt
>>>> <<<<< CODE >>>>>
>>>> <my:frame title="${title}">
>>>>    <c:set var="defaultJsp">/common/termsAndConditions_en.jsp</c:set>
>>>>    <c:import var="content" url="${defaultJsp}" />
>>>>    <c:out value="${content}" escapeXml="false" />
>>>> </my:frame>
>>>> <<<<<ERROR>>>>>
>>>> javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: unimplemented
>>>>  at com.caucho.jstl.rt.CoreImportTag.doEndTag(
>>>>  at 
>>>> _jsp._common._termsAndConditions__jsp$_CauchoFragment_0._jsp_invoke(
>>>>  at com.caucho.jsp.JspFragmentSupport.invoke(
>>>>  at _jsp._WEB_22dINF._tags._frame__tag.doTag(
>>>>  at 
>>>> _jsp._common._termsAndConditions__jsp._jspService(
>>>>  at 
>>>> _jsp._common._termsAndConditions__jsp._jspService(
>>>>  at com.caucho.jsp.JavaPage.service(
>>>>  at com.caucho.jsp.Page.pageservice(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.dispatch.PageFilterChain.doFilter(
>>>>  at com.caucho.filters.GzipFilter.doFilter(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.dispatch.FilterFilterChain.doFilter(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.webapp.WebAppFilterChain.doFilter(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.webapp.AccessLogFilterChain.doFilter(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.dispatch.ServletInvocation.service(
>>>>  at com.caucho.server.http.HttpRequest.handleRequest(
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at 
>>>>  at com.caucho.env.thread.ResinThread.runTasks(
>>>>  at
>>>>  Caused by: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: unimplemented
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.filters.CauchoResponseWrapper.getStatus(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.server.http.ResponseAdapter.getStatus(
>>>>  at 
>>>> com.caucho.jstl.rt.CoreImportTag$JstlImportResponseWrapper.<init>(
>>>>  at com.caucho.jstl.rt.CoreImportTag.handleBody(
>>>>  at com.caucho.jstl.rt.CoreImportTag.doEndTag(
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