Mattias Jiderhamn wrote:
> Scott Ferguson wrote (2010-11-12 18:01):
>> Mattias Jiderhamn wrote:
>>> Since upgrading to Resin 4.0.10 this error has turned up now and 
>>> then in
>>> our log files, however we have sofar been unable to reproduce it 
>>> ourselves.
>>> Could it be a Resin bug...?
>>> java.lang.IllegalStateException: getWriter() can't be called after 
>>> getOutputStream().
>>>     at 
>>> com.caucho.server.http.HttpServletResponseImpl.getWriter(
>> I assume you're never calling getOutputStream() in any of the tags or
>> included files?

> If we were, we should be able to reproduce it and it would turn up a 
> lot more often in production. We've only seen it logged six times in 
> three weeks.

Thanks for the update.

That's quite a bit different, since it sounds like a timing/race error.

>> That exception is required by the spec if you call getOutputStream()
>> followed by getWriter().
> Could it be related to flushing somehow?
> Such as if an exception was thrown after flushing...?

Or possibly one of the reused connections not being cleared properly. 
It'll take a bit of work to track this down.

-- Scott
> </Mattias>
>> I'm filing this as
>> -- Scott
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