Hello everyone,

it seems that resin 4.0.23 suffers from a classloader leak.
My application's classloader is prevented from being garbage collected.

Please have a look at the GC Roots of my applications classloader  
(after stopping the application and a full garbage collection):

Class Name                                                              
                                            |  Retained Heap
com.caucho.env.thread.ResinThread @ 0xe27c9a60  http://*:18443-14  
Thread                                          |            584
'- <Java Local> com.caucho.network.listen.TcpSocketLinkListener @  
0xe0b86878                                      |          2.976
    '- _suspendAlarm com.caucho.util.Alarm @ 0xe279e330                 
                                             |            760
       '- <class> class com.caucho.util.Alarm @ 0xd03f86c0              
                                             |        480.928
          '- _clock com.caucho.util.AlarmClock @ 0xe0aab790             
                                             |        480.720
             '- _clockArray com.caucho.util.Alarm[60000] @ 0xe0ac4160   
                                             |        480.288
                '- [15927] com.caucho.util.Alarm @ 0xe8467708           
                                             |            264
                   '- _contextLoader  
com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader @ 0xe12f7718                   
        |        151.424
                      '- parent  
com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader @ 0xe11fbde8                   
             |        483.344
                         '- _attributes  
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap @ 0xe11bef38                     
     |        392.408
                            '- segments  
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment[16] @ 0xe11bef68         
     |        392.336
                               '- [1]  
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$Segment @ 0xe11c2a40             
       |        377.016
                                  '- table  
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry[2] @ 0xe11c2a88        
  |        376.920
                                     '- [0]  
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap$HashEntry @ 0xe11c2aa0           
|        376.880
                                        '- value  
com.caucho.jsp.el.JspApplicationContextImpl @ 0xe11bbac8          |     
                                           '- _webApp  
com.caucho.server.webapp.WebApp @ 0xe12103a8                 |          
                                              '- _classLoader  
com.caucho.loader.EnvironmentClassLoader @ 0xe12108c0|    129.894.632

As you can see three EnvironmentClassLoaders are involved:

0xe12108c0, which is my application classloader (consuming 129 MB of the heap)
0xe11fbde8, which is the classloader with the id host:default
0xe12f7718, which is the classloader for the resin-admin application  
(which most probably is not important in this case)

As you can see, the host:default classloader is still referencing my  
web application's classloader indirectly
(by the entryCache_ Map, referencing to the  
com.caucho.jsp.el.JspApplicationContextImpl of my web application).

What do I have to do to in order that my application classloader can  
be garbage collected?

Thank you and best regards,

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