It seems this is possible via the priorityPackage setting available on 
the DynamicClassLoader, however, that isn't allowed by the config Relax 
NG schema. If I hack the schema (env.rnc), I'm able to configure
(but of course that leads to other issues...).

Is there any reason for this feature to be disable, or could the schema 
be update in the next release?


----- Original Message -----
Subject: [Resin-interest] Change classloader precedence / priority / order
Date: Thu, 12 Jan 2012 15:40:49 +0100
From: Mattias Jiderhamn <>

Is there a way to change the priority / order of classloaders on
different levels? The class-loader config tag claims to do this, but it
seems to me it only affects the order within the current level (such as
WEB-INF/classes vs WEB-INF/lib), and not classes already loaded by a
higher level (${resin.rootDirectory}/lib).

In particular, I need a newer javax.el implementation than what Resin
provides in lib/javaee-16.jar.
Preferrably I would just include the updated el-api and el-impl jars in
my .war (WEB-INF/lib), and somehow tell Resin that they take precedence
over the ones on resin level (without making explicit reference from
resin.xml into the particular webapp-directory).

Is that possible...?



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