On 12/6/2012 4:39 AM, Heiko W.Rupp wrote:
> Hey Bill,
> Am 05.12.2012 um 22:37 schrieb Bill Burke:
>> Java EE 6 doesn't support EJB + JAX-RS components that are not deployed
>> under the WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes.  SO, you must move
>> biz-stuff.jar into rest.war or create a JAX-RS service that delegates to
>> the EJBs.
> I don't exactly understand this, as my set up works (except for that one case)
> perfectly. I have a rest.war I set some params that are picked up by RE and
> then a jar with all my rest endpoint implementation classes (SLSB with @Path 
> and so on).
> The REST stuff inside the jar gets activated by the presence of 
> @ApplicationPath on
> one of my application classes in the jar and then RE scans the EJBs and 
> provides
> endpoints for the ones decorated with @Path. Works nicely.

Where is the JAX-RS resource classes? Where is the Application class? 
Which jar?  And where is this jar in the EAR?

If AS7 is allowing you to deploy JAX-RS in a .jar that is *NOT* inside a 
WAR, then this is a huge huge bug.    JAX-RS does not have a way to 
define security constraints so it is required to be deployed within a 
specific WEB application (.WAR).  Also, @ApplicationPath is not a 
context-root.  It is a servlet-mapping URL for a JAX-RS dispatcher servlet.

>> But, Resteasy can support it your case with a special config switch.
>> <context-param>
>>        <param-name>resteasy.jndi.resources</param-name>
>>        <param-value>LibraryBean/local</param-value>
>>     </context-param>
> But here I have to manually list all the @Local classes manually and can't use
> the autoscan feature described above.
> My issue is now that I have several web-apps inside the .ear with
> different context roots and I want the REST-endpoint only be present
> below /rest and not in other places.

Then, the EJB jar needs to be put in the WEB-INF/lib of the WAR that has 
a /rest context-root. Or, you can use the technique above.  I would 
suggest deploying your EJBs with a WAR.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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