Switch to Jackson on the server side.  We will be deprecating Jettison 
in the near future as it is buggy and not being well maintained. 
Jackson has all of what Jettison has and more...

But you are right, Jettison produces different JSON.

On 9/4/2013 3:27 PM, Mike Miller wrote:
> We are building a restful api, using 2.3.5 (although I don’t think the
> release level matters) and I am a bit confused on response handling
> within RestEasy:
> Right or wrong, we made most of our resource methods return Response,
> using the GenericEntity when we wanted to return a collection of
> objects.    Testing up to now was in Chrome Advanced Rest Client.  We
> have our beans JAXB annotated and the resource ‘produces’ both
> application/xml and application/json.  For example:
> @GET
> @Produces({"application/json", "application/xml"})
> *public*Response find(@ContextUriInfo uriInfo)
>         {
>                setupQueryParms(uriInfo.getQueryParameters());
>                List<Customer> custList = *null*;
> *try*{
>                       custList = listAllPaginated();
>                } *catch*(FinderException e) {
>                       Log./getInstance/().error("FinderException caught
> :", e );
>                       throwException(Response.Status./NOT_FOUND/, "Error
> searching customers");
>                }
>                GenericEntity<List<Customer>> entity =
> *new*GenericEntity<List<Customer>>(custList) {};
> *return*Response./ok/(entity).build();
>         }
> Now, as part of writing JUnit test cases, I wanted to take the response
> I get back and put it back to object form so that I can then do a set of
> asserts against the object or list of objects returned.   I downloaded
> Jackson version 1.9.11 and tried to serialize/marshal the json back to
> object form but keep getting the following error:
> Exception in thread "main"
> _org.codehaus.jackson.map.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException_:
> Unrecognized field "Customer" (Class
> com.jda.portfolio.api.rest.base.Customer), not marked as ignorable
> at [Source: C:\PPOSDevelopment\Trunk\API\REST\Server\response.json;
> line: 1, column: 15] (through reference chain:
> com.jda.portfolio.api.rest.base.Customer["Customer"])
> Is there a difference between Jackson json and what RestEasy produces, from I 
> think Jettison?   I also took the example from User doc section 19.6.1 JSON 
> and JAXB collections/arrays
> [{"foo":{"@test":"bill"}},{"foo":{"@test":"monica}"}}] and tried to marshal 
> that back to object form – getting the same error.
> It seems like from Jackson, I would get something like:
> [{"@test":"bill"},{"@test":"monica}"}] for a List<Foo> - the difference being 
> the {foo: } which looks like a wrapper for the object.
> I changed the code to return List<Customer> instead of the Response with 
> GenericEntity including the List<Customer> but the json looks the same.
> What am I doing wrong?
> Are we using the Response object incorrectly?  What’s really the difference 
> between returning List<Customer> vs Response with the List<Customer> in the 
> generic entity?
> I hope this is clear, but I can provide more details if needed.
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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