I assume you're using the old deprecated client api?

ProxyFactory allows you to pass in a ClientExecutor.  Create one of 
those, and pass it in.  Then you have a reference to it.

ApacheHttpClient4Executor executor = new ApacheHttpclient4Executor(...);

MyInterface proxy = ProxyFactory.create(MyInterface.class, "http:/base", 

On 5/7/2014 8:47 AM, David R Robison wrote:
> Thanks, if I am creating a new client each time (I'm using the
> ProxyFactory) then what is the proper way to release a proxy created by
> ProxyFactory? David
> David R Robison
> Open Roads Consulting, Inc.
> 103 Watson Road, Chesapeake, VA 23320
> phone: (757) 546-3401
> e-mail: drrobi...@openroadsconsulting.com
> web: http://openroadsconsulting.com
> blog: http://therobe.blogspot.com
> book: http://www.xulonpress.com/bookstore/bookdetail.php?PB_ISBN=9781597816526
> On 5/7/2014 8:42 AM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> You would have to create a new ResteasyClient each time.  We use Apache
>> HttpClient under the covers, IIRC, you could only set it at socket
>> creation time, not per request.  I could be wrong though.
>> On 5/6/2014 12:34 PM, David R Robison wrote:
>>> I am using the resteasy client to communicate with a digital camera.
>>> Most of the commands finish in about 300ms but some take over 2s. Is
>>> there a way to specify the read timeout for individual calls? I know I
>>> can set a global SO_TIMEOUT value but can I change it with wach call I make?
>>> Thanks, David
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Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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