
Is your MessageBodyReader/Writer annotated with @Produces/@Consumes? If so,
then it should only be triggered for those types.


On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 12:31 PM, Tom Butt <> wrote:

> I currently have a resource that consumes "application/xml", but I'm
> moving to custom media types for versioning.  So, the issue happens in
> marshal/unmarshal as the root element is the same for both.  I have a
> messagebodyreader/writer to handle the custom media types in place, and it
> works well.  My concern is that I don't want my messagebodyreader/writer to
> consume/produce application/xml.
> So, I let's say I have an endpoint defined as
> it accepts application/xml and application/
> When you use application/xml, you expect a "FooType"
> When you use application/, you expect a "VersionedFooType"
> Both are in the same namespace and both have the same root element <foo>.
> IF you use application/, all is peachy.  We hit the
> messagebodyreader, it unmarshalls a VersionedFooType and life is good.
> If, however, you use application/xml, we don't get into the
> messagebodyreader (as I really don't want EVERY call to have to hit this),
> and so what it unmarshalls is anybody's guess (quite often it's
> VersionedFooType rather than the previously used FooType.)
> The solutions that have come to mind are
> 1. Allow the MessageBodyReader to consume/produce application/xml, and
> then I can perform a check in the readFrom or writeTo on the *Type*.  If
> it's "FooType" and "application/xml" I can handle it here.  This feels a
> bit off to me as I'll have every resource going through this provider, and
> this edge case for a non-custom media type (not even sure this works, but
> it seems that it would.)
> 2. Change the root element of the VersionedFooType to be "<versionedFoo>"
> rather than "<foo>"
> The real crime here might be the mixture of custom media types with
> non-custom media types, but it seems this is a natural progression if one
> was to move from a non-versioned API to a versioned one using custom media
> types.  Maybe I'm overlooking something really simple here, and I hope
> that's the case!
> Thanks in advance!
> -Tom
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