By default, Resteasy only allows one connection per Client.  You have to 
use ResteadyClient(Builder) to expand this.  Other than that, it should 
be threadsafe.

Personally, I'd create the Client as an application-scoped CDI bean and 
inject it, or create one with SPring and inject it, or create one in a 
servlet listener and add it to ServletContext.  If you create per 
request, then you lose any socket connection pooling that Apache Http 
Client does.

On 10/27/2014 8:21 PM, Savvas Andreas Moysidis wrote:
> The question, I suppose, is whether Client implementations are
> thread-safe or not which is something that is not stipulated by the
> interface contract.
> If they are(something which is sort of implied by the javadoc), then you
> could maybe declare and use a single instance like the following? (in a
> JavaEE context)
> @Singleton
> public class SomeService {
>      private Client restClient;
>      @PostConstruct
>      private void init() {
>          restClient = ClientBuilder.newClient();
>      }
>      .....................................................................
>      // Use restClient object here
>      .....................................................................
>      @PreDestroy
>      private void cleanUp() {
>          restClient.close();
>      }
> }
> On 27 October 2014 23:24, Mario Diana <
> <>> wrote:
>     I'd be interested in hearing what common practice is regarding
>     pooled Client objects, too. Do people use the Apache objects pool
>     library? That's the only option I've heard of. Are there other
>     mainstream solutions?
>     Mario
>      > On Oct 27, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Rodrigo Uchôa
>     < <>> wrote:
>      >
>      > [...]
>     > How should we implement a pool of Client objects in this scenario? Is 
> there a common solution?
>     >
>     > Regards,
>     > Rodrigo Uchoa.
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