FYI it looks like I was missing async-http-servlet-3.0-3.0.17.Final.jar
Once I added this, I was able to remove my resteasy-servlet entry from
web.xml (as the documentation recommends for servlet 3.0 containers) and
comment out the addition of my Resource class added to singletons in my
class extending Application. Looks like this approach is possible after
all!    : )

Now my concern is, given that I have other entries in web.xml for existing
servlets not being handled by RESTEasy, is there any way for RESTEasy to
handle routing only for my @Path-annotated resources? Or is it all or
nothing when it comes to having RESTEasy handle endpoints? I could set
@ApplicationPath("") in my application, but then it intercepts everything.
I'd prefer that it only intercepted paths for which it has resources, so
that I can gradually move existing endpoints into resteasy without having
to prefix them with "/rest" or something as I do so.

I know I can explicitly list out all my resources with the
resteasy.resources context-param in web.xml, but this seems like a step

On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 9:33 AM, Sean Dawson <>

> Hi again,
> I'm currently maintaining some RestEasy code that includes both newer and
> legacy ways of setting things up - and I'm no completely clear on what the
> latest and greatest way of doing everything RestEasy is at this point.  I'm
> working my way there but obviously as most of us, have to balance competing
> priorities.
> So unfortunately I can't give you a really good answer now.  I would read
> the docs and try to separate the old way of doing things with the
> new/current recommended.  Also maybe look at the most recent RestEasy
> examples you can find in the code base.
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