>Which Version of ASIP are you running?

6.1 with the 6.1.1 Web and File Extension.

>There were a couple of versions that under the right circumstances 
>didn't honor the ASIP "memory reserved for other applications" 

Correct, 6.1. The 6.1.1 Web and File Extension fixed this problem.

>I usually run set the reserve to give Retrospect a comfortable room 
>to run in (I believe Retrospect uses temporary memory as well).

Our reserve is set to 155MB. Should be enough for Retrospect :-)

Stefan Jeglinski

>  >dunno but I'd like the answer also. With a machine left for days
>  >sitting and just ASIP file serving (no reboots, no changes) and Retro
>  >at night when ASIP is quiet, about 10% of the time Retro just fails
>  >to auto-launch. Manually launch it and the backups begin and it goes
>  >on merrily auto-launching for maybe several days before it happens
>  >again.

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