on 6/12/00 7:30 AM, Gary R. Bernstein at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> I can't pinpoint this problem and I hope maybe one of you have seen it. I
> have about 100 G3 or imac computers and this problem is only affecting 1
> Blue and White G3. The scenario is that the user puts the computer in
> Shutdown mode and leaves the computer with the bouncing retrospect logo
> running. The computer gets backed up with a script set to not shutdown the
> computer. The next morning the user comes in and the retrospect logo is
> still bouncing (which is correct), but the mouse and keyboard are
> unresponsive. We have to pull the plug or hit the power switch to reboot,
> then the user gets the "you didn't shut me down properly" message.
> Any ideas on why the keyboard and mouse become unresponsive.
> I have tried having retrospect shutdown the computer with a shutdown
> script, but that seems to crash the computer as well.

I've seen similar problems of "can't shut down" because of old extensions,
old hard disk drivers, or because the machine had a RAM Disk and I got the
"RAM Disk isn't empty, shutting down will lose contents" message.

You might check into those cases.  If the machine has a RAM disk, you could
create an AppleScript applet or a small application that is launched on
shutdown which cleans out the RAM Disk when it is run.

// Glenn L. Austin
// Computer Wizard and Race Car Driver
// http://www.austin-home.com/glenn/

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