I have a strange thing happening during night back-up of 4 servers.

Every night I backup 4 servers with retrospect clients installed to a AIT
25-50 GB drive.
- The first server is a AppleShare IP server with a Hardware Raid 5 tower.
When I do my back-up on this server the performance is 66,4 MB per minute
(44,2 per minute copy and 133,5 per minute compare) on 52 files with a
total of 133,6 MB. 

- The second server is a Electronic fax server with the files being
back-up placed on a Softraid mirror. When I do my back-up on this server
the performance is 20,1 MB per minute (15,8 per minute copy and 27,7 per
minute compare) on 74 files with a total of 3786 KB.

- The third server is a FirstClass server with the file being back-up
placed on a Softraid mirror, this file is a retrospect back-up file which
has been made by a retrospect program installed locally on the FirstClass
server. When I do my back-up on this server the performance is 10,1 MB per
minute (23,7 per minute copy and 6,4 per minute compare) on 1 file with a
total of 1,5 GB.

- The fourth server is a 4th Dimension Database server with the files
being back-up placed on a Softraid mirror. When I do my back-up on this
server the performance is 35,9 MB per minute (47,5 per minute copy and
28,8 per minute compare) on 7 file with a total of 3,2 GB.

The first 2 server's seem fine, the compare rate is 2 or 3 times faster
than the copy rate which is fine. Now whats really puzzling me is the last
2 servers, Why is my compare rate soo slow on these 2 servers ??? Now that
is the big question, Does anybody have a answer ?

I'm looking forward to hearing any input's you might have.


Jesper Greve

Telefon:  +45 4583 1222
Telefax:  +45 4583 1322 
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