I'm either on a different planet or not understanding this exchange. 
I have been using Retrospect 4.3 to backup 6 Macintosh Graphics 
Workstations to a 40GB ATA Drive on a B&W G3 since October 1st. The 
"Backup Set" file size for each machine is well in excess of 2GB (the 
primary Photoshop Scanning Station Mac's "Backup Set" file  is 14GB). 
I incrementally add to the Backup Sets each night and have done a few 
restores to cover inadvertently trashed files. While this method is 
supplemented with a VXA Tape Drive for off-site and archival copies, 
the speed and simplicity of backing up to and restoring from a large 
Hard Drive has been wonderful the past few months.

>The only way to do this is to format the entire volume as a removable
>cartridge. Retrospect will then fill it with separate 2 GB container files.
>You'll need formatting software other than Apple's Drive Setup. DANTZ DOES
>Eric Ullman
>Dantz Development
>>  Try partitioning the drive into segments <2GB, and then define all of the
>>  partitions within Retrospect as members of the backup set. If my
>>  assumptions about the way Retrospect works are correct, then it will fill
>>  up each one in turn and the files will not get over the 2GB limit imposed
>>  by ASIP.
>>  As I said, I haven't tried this, so it's really a guess. Does anyone see
>>  any reason why this wouldn't work?
>>  "Dan O'Donnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 12/15/2000 10:29:21 AM
>>  Please respond to "retro-talk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  To:   retro-talk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>  cc:    (bcc: Ben Eastwood/HMG/Wilson Learning/US)
>>  Subject:  Re: Macintosh File
>>  I waas under the impression that the 2GB file size was a limitation
>>  of the MacOS, and not ASIP alone. If so, you may have other problems.
>>  But you might try compressing it with Stuffit Deluxe, and dividing
>>  the resulting compressed file into parts. (Though if the 2GB limit is
>>  set by the OS then this probably won't work either.)
>>  At 12:16 PM -0600 on 12/15/00, Donovan Brooke wrote:
>>>  Thanks Eric for your help.  I didn't think of looking towards ASIP as being
>>>  the problem, but it looks to be just that.  Realizing now that a 
>>>single file
>>>  can only be a max of 2 gigs, is there a procedure for spliting up 
>>>the file to
>>>  back up onto? Can retrospect jump to a new file when it has 
>>>reached 2 gigs or
>>>  can I designate another file to copy to when it reaches the 2 gig 
>>>limit???  -
>>>  Thanks,  - Donovan
>>>  Eric Ullman wrote:
>>>>  According to Apple's Tech Info Library article #15460, "AppleShare File
>>>>  Sharing: Chart of All Limitations," last modified 11/17/2000, ASIP 6.x
>>  still
>>>>  has a 2GB file size limit.
>>>>  <http://til.info.apple.com/techinfo.nsf/artnum/n15460
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