There's actually a trick to get rid of this problem:

- go to PluginsPage.cpp, and comment out line 158: 
- restart RS. In the GUI you can now allow to *not check* for plugin hash. 
Check it and Quit.
- now RS-nogui should load your plugin without checking the hash.

On 10/24/16 12:51, Cave wrote:
> Dear Jeetu,
> it looks like the hash check for plugins.
> I guess you have to allow/approve the new hash once in the gui.
> And then it should also pass the nogui-client check(which seems to miss the 
> functionality to ask for approval).
> ?Anyway have you received my mail which was sent directly to you(instead to 
> the mailing list?) . Afaik also Gio wrote to you.
> Best regards
> Cave
> Am 24. Oktober 2016 12:30:36 MESZ, schrieb "" 
> <>:
>     Hi,
>     As stated in my last mail, when I run retroshare-nogui, it rejects my
>     plugin with the following message :
>     RsPluginManager::loadList():
>        Reference executable hash: 2bf0bcb5ace17e7dfad6681b051ff083cee1e531
>        Accepted hash: 89dc2a00adae7a2b4e7bce01d287b6457b3d8eea
>     (WW) Executable hashes do not match. Executable hash has changed.
>     Discarding the list of accepted/rejected plugins.
>     Found plugin /home/jeetu/.retroshare/extensions6/ 
> <>
>       Loading plugin...
>       Loading plugin /home/jeetu/.retroshare/extensions6/ 
> <>
>         -> hashing.
>         -> hash = 89dc2a00adae7a2b4e7bce01d287b6457b3d8eea
>         -> hash rejected. Giving up plugin.
>     Examined a total of 1 plugins.
>     PluginManager: saving list.
>       Saving current executable hash: 537e4a87038d4b18df08f9ab00b0ef7069e82985
>     89dc2a00adae7a2b4e7bce01d287b6457b3d8eea : REJECTED
>     Is there something I need to do in my plugin to get it to work within
>     retroshare-nogui?
>     I need to test out this plugin with retroshare running in headless mode.
>     Would appreciate if someone could help me here.
>     Thank you.
>     Regards,
>     Jeetu
>     On Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 7:20 PM,
>     <> wrote:
>         Hi Cyril,
>         *Warning - a really really long read below, am truly sorry for that*
>             I suggest that you use your SSH tunnel manually: send clear 
> packets with some ID in them (packet
>             number, whatever you prefer)
>             and make sure that you get them all on the other end of the 
> tunnel, without major delay. Normally
>             this should work,
>         I have been trying to get my head around this issue (yet). I have been
>         taking a lot of trials, including what you suggested above. The
>         following are my findings :
>         - I wrote a python client and server to stress test the tunnel in a
>         few ways and didn't find anything untoward. Of course, one thing I
>         would probably like to do at some point is repeat this along with a
>         hash of each packet being sent to verify integrity of data. Right now,
>         my tests were a little crude.
>         - SSH X Forwarding through my tunnel works absolutely well if I am
>         using the Chromium browser remotely, for some strange reason. It
>         routinely fails with gnome-calculator, gedit, libreoffice.
>         - I have been in discussion with the Xorg team too to see if this had
>         any co-relation with a possible graphics and / or the X server and
>         they have been very helpful and we have tried out various tests to
>         check if this was related to GL, etc. Have tried different desktop
>         environments - Xfce, Enlightenment,etc. So far all of that has turned
>         up empty.
>         - I have collected Wireshark data to see what is happening on the
>         wire. These packets show that failure always occurs (so far) when :
>         SSH Server sends a packet (Usually 118 bytes) -> this gets received by
>         the SSH client through the tunnel.
>         The SSH Client then sends a packet (Usually 166 bytes) -> this gets
>         received by the SSH server through the tunnel
>         From here on there is a lot of traffic going on where the SSH client
>         keeps sending stuff to the RS tunnel port on the same machine, however
>         this data doesn't get received by the server.
>         The SSH server also sends a few packets down the pipe, but these don't
>         get received by the client.
>         *The above is (almost) consistently what I see when the desktop has
>         frozen and I stop recording Wireshark data.*
>         Please feel free to ask for the wireshark data if need be.
>         - What is most interesting, and this is what I realized just this
>         weekend, is that the following network configurations causes the X
>         forwarding over my RS tunnel to predictably and consistently either
>         succeed or fail :
>         Scenario a)
>         Machine 1 - Desktop with Debian Unstable; acting as X Server; SSH
>         client connects to this end of the RS tunnel
>         Machine 2 - Laptop with Debian Testing; hosts the X clients, SSH
>         server is at this end.
>         Result : If the program being run is Chromium or something simple like
>         xterm, sclock all is well, otherwise the X client will surely hang at
>         some point.
>         Scenario b)
>         Machine 1 (Host VM) - Desktop with Debian Unstable as host;
>         Retroshare's GUI and my tunnel plugin will run here; neither SSH
>         client nor server will run on this machine.
>         Machine 2 (Guest VM) - Ubuntu / Debian Testing / Debian Unstable as
>         guest in a VM; SSH client will connect from here to the RS tunnel end
>         point on Machine 1. X server will be inside the VM.
>         Machine 3 - Laptop with Debian Testing; hosts the X clients, SSH
>         server is at this end.
>         Result: All applications will work absolutely perfectly without 
> hanging at all.
>         Scenario c)
>         Machine 1 (Guest VM) - Ubuntu / Debian Testing / Debian Unstable as
>         guest in a VM (OS is same as above); RS GUI and my tunnel plugin will
>         run inside the VM; SSH client connects to this end of the RS tunnel;
>         X server will be inside this VM.
>         Machine 2 - Laptop with Debian Testing; hosts the X clients, SSH
>         server is at this end.
>         Result : If the program being run is Chromium or something simple like
>         xterm, sclock all is well, otherwise the X client will surely hang at
>         some point.
>         Scenario b) had lead me to believe this could be an issue related to X
>         server, GL / GLX or the graphics drivers running on bare metal with
>         accelerated graphics, however Scenario c) behaving exactly like
>         Scenario a) puts a spanner in the works to that theory.
>         I am unable to see the full picture here. If my tunnel is faulty then
>         why work in Scenario b)? Why do things fail in configuration such as
>         Scenario c) and a)?
>         One co-relation "could" be that as soon as the X server is the same
>         as the machine with the RS GUI things fail. Yes I know this is a
>         stretch.
>         The RS client is a Qt client and could it be that when the X server
>         for the remote X client is on the same machine there is a lock up
>         somewhere causing a freeze. I really don't know how / why this could
>         be....but am desperate.
>         To rule out the above I wanted to run RS in non-gui mode with my
>         plugin coming up and then try out the tests.
>         When running retroshare-nogui however my plugin doesn't come up. I see
>         the following on the console :
>         Found plugin /home/jeetu/.retroshare/extensions6/ 
> <>
>         Loading plugin...
>         Loading plugin /home/jeetu/.retroshare/extensions6/ 
> <>
>         -> hashing.
>         -> hash = 89dc2a00adae7a2b4e7bce01d287b6457b3d8eea
>         -> hash rejected. Giving up plugin.
>         Examined a total of 1 plugins.
>         PluginManager: saving list.
>         Saving current executable hash: 
> 537e4a87038d4b18df08f9ab00b0ef7069e82985
>         89dc2a00adae7a2b4e7bce01d287b6457b3d8eea : REJECTED
>         I'm probably doing something wrong and I admit I haven't gone through
>         the manual in depth to figure out if I need to change my plugin in
>         some way to run with RS-nogui. Could you please let me know how I can
>         get the plugin to work in headless mode.
>         Also I would really appreciate any thoughts on any of the above? I
>         have no clue where to turn from here.
>         Once again, truly apologise for the extremely long read above. Been at
>         it for months now and had a lot to report :)
>         Thank you for your time.
>         Regards,
>         Jeetu
>         On Sat, Jul 30, 2016 at 11:13 PM,
>         <> wrote:
>             Hi Cyril,
>             Thanks for the reply.
>             Yes this sounds like a good strategy. I will try to go ahead and 
> build a
>             python based program that will stress tests this tunnel with 
> packets of
>             varying sizes in a bi-directional fashion. Hopefully I will be 
> able to
>             reproduce this error and we can come closer to understanding 
> where the
>             problem lies.
>             Thank you for your help thus far and your offer to look at 
> libretroshare :)
>             Regards,
>             Jeetu
>             On 28 Jul 2016 13:45, "Cyril Soler" 
> <> wrote:
>                 I suggest that you use your SSH tunnel manually: send clear 
> packets with
>                 some ID in them (packet
>                 number, whatever you prefer)
>                 and make sure that you get them all on the other end of the 
> tunnel,
>                 without major delay. Normally
>                 this should work,
>                 but if it does not, and if you're able to create a working 
> prototype that
>                 shows the bug, I can take
>                 a look at libretroshare to find the problem for you.
>                 Otherwise, because problems occur mainly when X is used, it 
> might be that
>                 X expects some particular
>                 params of the SSH connection (which you get probably when 
> doing "ssh -X or
>                 ssh -Y" but not using
>                 your own tunnel system). It's probably worth looking into 
> this.
>                 On 28/07/2016 10:04, wrote:
>                     Hello Cyril,
>                     To report back, I tried out the latest RS master codebase 
> from github
>                     with my plugin as per your suggestion. Unfortunately the 
> issue is
>                     still the same.
>                     While I said earlier most of the times (say 90%) the 
> failure occurs
>                     when there are many small bytes of approx 172 bytes 
> following by
>                     something like 7556 bytes or some such number (usually 
> above 3000
>                     bytes).
>                     However, there are instances when the freeze-up occurs 
> with a
>                     relatively short number of bytes....maybe as low as 60 or 
> 70 bytes. So
>                     when I tried running gedit, during startup itself, the 
> ssh client end
>                     froze. While most of the time I will get the main 
> interface window to
>                     the X client and it freezes somewhere along the line, 
> there are also
>                     moments such as these when it just hands early on itself.
>                     I also tried to log in to just a SSH console session via 
> the RS tunnel
>                     plugin and did a "du" on my root directory just to 
> generate a lot of
>                     text traffic in the form of file names scrolling as du 
> goes through my
>                     directory. This worked fine and didn't baulk. However 
> this situation
>                     is a little different from a SSH X forward since here 
> there is only
>                     unidrectional traffic (from ssh server to ssh client). 
> Whereas with a
>                     SSH forward there is a lot of bi-directional traffic. 
> Dunno if that
>                     helps, just trying to get as many clues as possible,
>                     I am also not using any message queue or buffer within my 
> own code, so
>                     as information comes in from ssh client or server I push 
> it down the
>                     pipe via sendItem. Not sure if somehow the information 
> coming in from
>                     these ends is going out of sync and causing a freeze-up.
>                     Your suggestion of this being related to the bug you had 
> closed
>                     wherein the SSL stream would lock up on occasion waiting 
> for another
>                     packed, definitely seemed to fit the profile of the above 
> behaviour.
>                     Is there some other way we can capture additional data 
> from within RS
>                     that would help you confirm or rule out if this problem 
> still persists
>                     or that would help us concretely ascertain if my code is 
> messing up
>                     things or not?
>                     Since the SSH traffic is all encrypted, I am unable to 
> verify if the
>                     data itself gets corrupted somewhere along the line. 
> Though if that
>                     were to happen the SSH client / server should cut off 
> connection with
>                     a bad MAC / bad HMAC / Bad Packet Length or some such 
> message if I
>                     understand it correctly. Though to rule this out I am 
> considering
>                     building a python client and server that will try to push 
> through
>                     controlled data to and fro this pipe, and try to 
> replicate this
>                     freeze....hopefully something there will then be able to 
> clarify if
>                     data corruption is occurring and is the problem.
>                     As you can say I am fast approaching a state where I am 
> desperate for
>                     ideas ;).....any help or suggestion would help my sanity 
> to a great
>                     deal :)
>                     Thank you so much for your time and help :)
>                     Bye for now.
>                     On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 11:46 PM,
>                     <> wrote:
>                         Hi Cyril,
>                         Thank you so much for taking the time to reply :)
>                             This does not seem like a crazy amount of traffic 
> either. I'm not sure
>                             which >version of RS you're
>                         I've been working with RS v0.6.0
>                             using, but a few weeks ago, I fixed a bug that 
> would cause SSL packets
>                             to >hang in the pipeline until
>                             a new packet arrives. This could be the reason as 
> your X server is
>                             maybe >waiting for the stream to
>                             reach a given point before continuing.
>                         Oh wow :) so there is hope :).....I shall download 
> the latest master
>                         of RS and try again with that....will keep you posted 
> on the progress
>                         I make :)
>                             As I understand, you developed a RS service that 
> streams SSL
>                             connection >binary items through RS
>                             friend connections?
>                             You're most probably using RsItem objects then. 
> Their size is limited
>                             to >262144 bytes. Any packet
>                             larger gets dropped.
>                         Yes I have been using RsItem objects...and this 
> explains so much
>                         :) there some other class object I should use 
> wherein this
>                         limit is not there / or more relaxed? Though at this 
> moment this isn't
>                         a problem for me since I chunk the data and then send 
> it. However it
>                         would be good to know what my options here are :)
>                         This definitely has given me quite a bit of clarity 
> and hope.....I
>                         shall try with the latest code and well fingers 
> crossed :)....will
>                         report back asap.
>                         Thank you.
>                         Bye for now
>                         On Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Cyril Soler
>                         <> wrote:
>                             Hi!
>                             Congrats for your project!
>                             It's nice to see that you managed to develop a 
> plugin! See below some
>                             possible answers to your problem:
>                             On 25/07/2016 08:09, wrote:
>                                 Hi everyone,
>                                 First, let me thank all of you for giving us 
> Retroshare. Works
>                                 beautifully :) Thanks.
>                                 I am one of the developers of the open source 
> project eBrainPool
>                                 ( and for this project I 
> have been toying with a RS
>                                 plugin that will allow me to tunnel SSH 
> traffic between RS users. The
>                                 idea is to SSH forward X clients tunneled via 
> RS.
>                                 I have extended the EmtyPluginRS and taken 
> inspiration from the VOIP
>                                 plugin to extend Retroshare 0.6.0.
>                                 I have managed to successfully create a 
> tunnel between two end points
>                                 - it's a very dirty hack - but I can 
> essentially do a ssh login and
>                                 work within a console session without any 
> problem. SSH forwarding of
>                                 simpler X clients such as xclock, xcalc,etc 
> work without any issues
>                                 either.
>                                 With more sophisticated X clients such as 
> gnome-calculator, gedit,etc
>                                 somewhere along as I use it, my ssh client 
> with the entire X
>                                 environment freezes up. This usually happens 
> when huge amounts of
>                                 data
>                                 need to be sent together by the SSH client. 
> For e.g. if a button is
>                                 pressed in gnome-calculator then at times it 
> is liable to freeze up.
>                                 On further investigation I have realized that 
> the button press
>                                 translates to a huge number of messages 
> coming in from the SSH client
>                                 of 170 bytes or so and a final message of 
> approx 3556 bytes or so
>                                 before things freeze up. I then have to kill 
> my ssh client in console
>                                 to regain access to my X environment.
>                             This does not seem like a crazy amount of traffic 
> either. I'm not sure
>                             which version of RS you're
>                             using, but a few weeks ago, I fixed a bug that 
> would cause SSL packets
>                             to hang in the pipeline until
>                             a new packet arrives. This could be the reason as 
> your X server is
>                             maybe waiting for the stream to
>                             reach a given point before continuing.
>                                 I have tried both approaches in my plugin - 
> with a separate thread to
>                                 accept input to / from the client, and also 
> without a separate
>                                 thread.
>                                 The issue and point of failure is the same.
>                                 Granted I definitely do not understand the RS 
> architecture well
>                                 enough
>                                 and I fear that it is this lack of 
> understanding that is causing this
>                                 problem.
>                                 I am not using any sort of message queue and 
> as data is being
>                                 received
>                                 from the client or server I am simply pushing 
> it down the pipe (via
>                                 sendItem).
>                                 I have noticed that extremely large blocks of 
> data (say 100k or such)
>                                 simply disappear and are not received at the 
> other end. Therefore I
>                                 chunk data from ssh server or client into 
> blocks of 16384. I have
>                                 tried different block sizes but it doesn't 
> help the bug I have above.
>                             As I understand, you developed a RS service that 
> streams SSL
>                             connection binary items through RS
>                             friend connections?
>                             You're most probably using RsItem objects then. 
> Their size is limited
>                             to 262144 bytes. Any packet
>                             larger gets dropped.
>                             I don't know about the released version, but the 
> current trunk
>                             displays some information about that
>                             when it happens.
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