Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Enhancement Priority-Medium

New issue 2605 by Add a Back to File List link under each diff in Diff Viewer

*NOTE: If you have a patch, please submit it to

What version are you running? 1.6.3

What's the URL of the page this enhancement relates to, if any?
Diff Viewer -- /rb/r/XYZ/diff/

Describe the enhancement and the motivation for it.
Add a "Back to File List" link at the bottom of each diff file that links to an anchor tag just above the list of changed files, to make it easier to jump back and forth between the list of changes files at the top and each of their diffs. Motivated by having to review lots of long diffs, and it being somewhat inconvenient to have to go to the keyboard (Ctrl-Home) to do this.

What operating system are you using? What browser?
Windows XP, Firefox latest

Please provide any additional information below.
A good example of this feature is, the "Return to Headlines" link.

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